180 history of art works (here online & linked webartistry (with other links to some more recent art work studies) by art rep. I-IV & more than 100 pages of art reproduction) of whom (their artists who have made these art works) are what I make as art reproductions (with dimensions of the art reproductions I made with the art work being my own mediums and the same as the original mediums). Leonardo da Vinci (Over 69 Mona Lisa (20 medium: oil on canvas)-many MLARs - over 1700 photographs (or file images) of the paint application process of these Mona Lisas are larger and smaller than the 21” x 30” original dimensions – even small pencil on paper & acrylic medium outcome drawings to painting in my sketch pad of 10” x 14” & 8” x 10”, The Last Supper – medium: oil on canvases - 1 graphic art work as 500 x 300 pixels & 4 canvases x 3’ x 4’, The Virgin of the Rocks 1483-1486 x 2- medium: oil on canvas - 77.5” x 47.5” & 47" x 28" - Maybe, it was Bernardino Luini and maybe it was Francesco Napoletano for the female angel, but, it is and was Ambrogio de Predis painted the male angel (dressed in red) for painting the side panel angels as 2 paintings x 24" x 52" - medium: oil on canvases & Cesare da Sesto (from da Vinci’s art work drawings from the Lost art work named) Leda & the Swan – medium: oil on canvas - 3’ x 4’ & St. Anne – medium: pencil and acrylic on paper size as 10” x 14”, (Studies of a) Baby - medium: pencil on paper - 4" x 5") & The Virgin of the Rocks 1495-1508 - medium: pencil & acrylic on canvas - 42.25" x 66.7", medium: acrylic on canvas - 62" x 38.5" (my study from both 1483-1486 & 1495-1508) & a graphic art work of the Virgin of the Rocks - 300 x 100 pixels), Joseph Jules Lefebvre (Lady Godiva - medium: oil on canvas - 3’ x 4’ & Ophelia - 9" x 12" - medium: pencil and acrylic on watercolor rag content paper), Raphael (Alba Madonna - medium: graphic design & oil on canvas - 37.5” diameter), Michelangelo Buonarroti (Creation of Adam, Ignudo & Doni Tondi – medium: pencil and acrylic - 10” x 14”, Prophet Jeremiah - medium: pencil on watercolor rag content paper - 12" x 9", Libyan Sibyl x 2 & Delphic Sibyl - medium: pencil on watercolor rag content paper - 12" x 9"), Adelaide Cole Chase (John Murray (the Violinist) – medium: oil on canvas - 16” x 20”), Constantino Brumidi (the Liberty & the Union – medium: oil on canvases - 3’ x 4’ each canvas), Vincent Van Gogh (House at Auvers, Self Portrait with a Pipe and a Straw Hat & The Starry Night – medium pencil and acrylic on heavy weight watercolor rag content paper - 9” x 12” & 500 x 300 pixels graphic art work Self Portrait with a Pipe & a Straw Hat), Paul Cezanne (Still Life with Apples and Oranges - medium: oil on canvas - 3' x 4'), Peter Paul Rubens (Lady-in-Waiting to Infanta Isabella - medium: pencil on paper - 9" x 12"), Sandro Botticelli (Venus and Mars - medium: pencil on watercolor rag content paper - 9" x 12"), Oscar-Claude Monet (The Japanese Bridge - medium: watercolor rag content paper - 9" x 12"), other various, unknown artists as 15 art reproductions of the Stations of the Cross - medium: graphic design, pencil and acrylic on paper and watercolor rag content paper - 10" x 14" & Station 4 - 9" x 12", Edgar Degas (At the Mirror - medium: acrylic on watercolor rag content paper - 9" x 12"), Johannes Vermeer (Woman with a Water Jug - medium: pencil & acrylic on watercolor rag content paper - 12" x 9"), Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (Philosopher in Meditation - medium: pencil on paper - 9" x 12"), Pietro Paolini (Allegory of the 5 Senses - medium: pencil on paper - 8.5" x 11" & medium: pencil & acrylic on canvas - 44.125" x 59.125"), Salvador Dali (The Persistence of Memory x 2 - medium: graphic design art work on pc paint program - 380 x 765 pixels), Henri Matisse (Woman with a Hat - medium: acrylic on watercolor rag content paper - 9" x 12" & Landscape Art Work - medium: acrylic on paper - 8.5" x 11"), Titian Vecelli (Pesaro Madonna - medium: graphic design art work on pc paint program - 1048 x 1598 pixels, pencil on paper - 11" x 8.5" & stretcher frame dimensions 58.75" x 32.375" - medium: acrylic on canvas), Edward Hopper (Nighthawks - medium: pen and ink on paper - 11" x 8.5"), Piet Mondrian (Composition with Red, Blue & Yellow - medium: graphic art work on pc paint program - 500 x 500 pixels), Edourd Manet (A Bar at the Folies Bergere - medium: graphic paint program - 1000 x 600 pixels), Leonardo da Vinci (Vitruvian Man (in Circle) - medium - graphic paint program - 580 x 535 pixels), Pablo Picasso (The Old Guitarist & Les Demoiselles de Avignon - medium: acrylic on paper and graphics paint program, respectively - 11" x 8.5" & 622 x 652 pixels, respectively), J.M.W. Turner (Rain, Steam & Speed - medium: graphic paint program - dimensions: 765 x 1050 pixels), Jean-Honore Fragonard (Inspiration - medium: graphic art work on pc paint program - 637 x 663 pixels), Mark Rothko (No.14 - medium: graphic art work on pc paint program - 505 x 440 pixels), Raphael Sanzio da Urbino (Mond Crucifixion - medium: pencil on paper - 11" x 8.5"), Thomas Aekins (The Gross Clinic, art reproduction - medium: acrylic on loose canvas on charcoal drawing starts as dimensions - 7’ x 5’), Van Gogh (Paul Gauguin (Man in a Red Beret) - medium: graphic design - 900 x 900 pixels), Grant Wood (American Gothic - medium pencil on newsprint paper - 9" x 12"), Raphael Sanzio da Urbino (Transfiguration - medium: pencil on paper - 8.5" x 11"), Michelangelo (Jonah - medium: pencil on paper 8.5" x 11"), Michelangelo (God Face - medium: pencil on paper 8.5" x 11"), Raphael (The Marriage of the Virgin - medium: graphics and oil paint photographed into graphics), Hagesander, Athenodoros and Polysander (Laocoon and His Sons - medium: graphic design), Rubens (Eve - medium: watercolor and pencil on paper - 8.5" x 11") & da Vinci (Lady with an Ermine - medium: graphic art)...
The Gross Clinic, 2016
The Liberty & the Union, 1998 - 2016
Leda and the Swan, 2014
John Murray (the Violinist), 2011
Studies of a Baby, 2009
The Virgin of the Rocks, 2010
The Virgin of the Rocks (1483-1486), 2010
Lady Godiva, 2014
Lady-in-Waiting to Infanta Isabella, 1988
Libyan Sibyl, 1994 & 2015
Creation of Adam x 2, 2015 & 2016
Still Life With Apples and Oranges, 1999
The Last Supper, 2012
Venus and Mars, 2014
House at Auvers, 2014-15
Ophelia, 2015
Alba Madonna, 2014
Woman with a Hat, 2015
The Old Guitarist, 2015
St. Anne, 2015
Doni Tondo, 2015
The Japanese Bridge, 2015
The Starry Night, 2015
Ignudo, 2015
Stations of the Cross, 2015
The Virgin of the Rocks (1495-1508), 2015
At the Mirror, 2015
Woman with a Water Jug, 2015
The Virgin of the Rocks (2015), 2015
The Virgin of the Rocks (graphic art work)
Prophet Jeremiah, 2015
Philosopher in Meditation, 2015
Delphic Sibyl, 2015
Allegory of the 5 Senses, 2015 & 2016
The Persistence of Memory, 2015 & 2016
Pesaro Madonna, 2015 & 2016
Self Portrait with a Pipe and a Straw Hat, 2015
Nighthawks, 2015
A Bar at the Folies Bergere, 2015
Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow, 2015
Vitruvian Man (in Circle), 2015
Inspiration, 2015
Les Demoiselles de Avignon, 2015
Rain, Steam & Speed, 2015
No.14, 2015
Mond Crucifixion, 2016
Side Panel Angels to the Virgin of the Rocks, 2010 - 2016
Mona Lisa(s), 2014 - 2016
Paul Gauguin (Man in a Red Beret), 2016
American Gothic, 2016
Pueblo Village, 2009-2016
Transfiguration, 2016
Jonah, 2016
God Face, 2016
The Marriage of the Virgin, 2016-2017
Lady with an Ermine, 2016
Laocoon and His Sons, 2017
Eve, 2016