The Last Supper, da Vinci, 1494-1499, Art Work Medium: Tempera on Gesso, Pitch and Mastic, Art Work Dimensions: 181” x 346” & this art work is on the wall inside the Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy.
I made my art work as 4 canvas each 4’ x 3’ and the canvases are aligned left to right with Bart, Lil Jake, Andreas, Judas, Peter, Johannes, Jesus, Thomas, Jake Major, Philip, Matthew, Thaddeus and Simon Zealots. I painted these figures with a very low light - application from simple drawing and by the time I was finished, I had a masterpiece art work which looked very right to me...
Johannes as one becomes 2 by Thomas and Jake Major - they switch and (even their names converge alike in the place they were before as splicing or cross meshing Thomas and Jake into Johakmes - Johamas - Johannes try to see who switches for a final thrill...
The dimensions of the Last Supper art in Santa Maria delle Grazie are precisely the dimensions of my art studio. The exact battle of persecution of Jesus and his loving disciples are exactly the battle they chose to anti-superstar 'this old singer', Elton John, Sad Songs (Say So Much).