The Virgin of the Rocks, 1483-1486 &1495-1508, Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519), medium: oil on panel (transferred to canvas – later for the Virgin of the Rocks 1483-1486 and not for the Virgin of the Rocks 1495-1508) & Dimensions: 78.3” x 48.0” & 74.6” x 47.25”.
I painted this art work about trying to use both of the da Vinci art work works as my guides to help me make a combination of these art works to really try to mix the elements together as images and making them from each art work. I painted these with very brilliant colors (a bright green and blue sea with a blazing red sunset looking sky) and that effect made another look by the choice of my color scheme in my composition. My Art Dimensions: 62.0” x 38.25” & Medium: acrylic on canvas.
The Virgin of the Rocks
My art reproduction of certain qualities of these art reproductions after
the Virgin of the Rocks 1483-1486 & 1495-1508...